The prattle of internet chatter, severely limited optics of the online meat market, the question of honesty, & a bittersweet desperation born from the inability to connect in ‘the age of connection.’
These themes remain in the forefront of Maria Candanoza’s candy-colored, fragmentary documentation of a continuous social media exchange with her college boyfriend — depicting experiences of isolation and intimacy in unison.
"I searched the word "YOU" in a facebook
conversation with my on-&-off college boyfriend.
Then I copied every single sentence where
the word YOU comes up and without editing,
I printed them on yellow (him) and pink (me) paper."
– Maria Candanoza
"--- Maria Candanoza
Shop artwork from Maria Candanoza HERE
Photo of Maria Candanoza @GLORY HOLE by Jacqueline Verdugo / Courtesy of BFA